AddedPyroMining/PyroFishing/PyroFarming for more money making methods/features!.
AddedOne dungeon to hunter lodge, Working on a npc/gui for players to click on & select which dungeon they want to clear out for killing mobs in, collecting chests with loot <- soon.
Addeda worldborder around the Bronsin Spawn!
FixedFarm mobs not spawning pigs/chickens in Civilian Farm Area!
ReplacedFarmer Area melon&pumpkin Farm building with a new Building.
DonePregenerated around 2-5k chunks in Wildness world or its named town.
FixedThe towny command so it can only be access in the world named town <- which is the new world for making a towny/nation or a town land claim in!.
FixedThe nether wert farm so it now works!.
FixedEnchanting area for Civilian area!
FixedSome missing textures in the server resource pack.
In progressPrice able Apartments with a plugin named motels, so players can rent rooms up to a certain price, days & build/store items in their paid rooms.